After your purchase, you will receive a email with order details from our payment channel. Our order processing time is about 1-3 business days, Once we ship out your parcel, we will then send you a separate email containing your tracking number so you can track it every step of the way!

It is the buyer's responsibility to closely track the progress of the parcle delivery. For the parcle that has arrived in the destination country, the progress of the parcle should be closely tracked. If necessary, the buyer can use the local tracking code of the destination country to contact the local logistics service provider to inquire and track the transportation of the parcle.

If the buyer refuses to accept the package, our products will be destroyed by the customs or the logistics provider (because neither the customs nor the logistics provider is obliged to keep or return the package), the loss will be borne by the buyer, and we will not refund the order funds.

If the buyer provides the wrong delivery address, so the package fails to be delivered, the buyer should be held responsible and may not be compensated, because the product has been sent out.

For parcle that has been successfully delivered, if the parcle is not received or the received parcle is in an abnormal state, the buyer should contact us in time to inform the specific situation, and contact the local terminal logistics provider to verify the parcle situation and ask the terminal logistics provider to provide evidence. For parcle that has been successfully delivered, if no evidence of loss can be provided, we assume that the parcle has been successfully delivered and the order has been successfully fulfilled by default.

For any questions regarding your order, you can email us at Please ensure you provide your name and order number for us to assist you quickly.